
How to debug a service program rpgle
How to debug a service program rpgle

After all, the STRISDB command doesn’t work on RPGLE programs and the Start Debug (STRDBG) command doesn’t do anything terribly useful if you compile your programs using the system- shipped defaults. Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that many people don’t seem to even know that a source view debugger similar to the Start Interactive Source Debugger (STRISDB) used with RPG/4. We hope even those of you who already knew about the green- screen source view debugger pick up on a few often- missed features. In this article, we’ll cover the use of the green- screen debugger. Three primary debuggers are available from IBM – one green screen, one stand- alone GUI debugger and one in the WDSC toolset. Learn the secrets to debugging in green screen.

how to debug a service program rpgle

IBM Systems Magazine - Debugging RPG IV in Green Screen.

How to debug a service program rpgle